Subject: Re: Stuff
> Good Morning from Helsinki´s forest-paradise!
> Good news for suffragette´s are that Finnish woman are doing much
> better that men; you can see from the Guardians article that their
> suicide rate is below Norways and they are already more educated than
> men. We males are the big, huge, deep problem and in Finland we just
> can´t discuss about the dark sides of this society. When The Times
> wrote about these things last year after previous school massacre
> hundreds of Finns wrote to its comment page on net and blamed the
> writer about incompetence of writing about Finland. Some of the
> writers even threatened to kill him...
> And of course here in the dark wilderness we love also cars; Finnish
> driver´s are always at the top in the formula-1 and rally. Guns, cars,
> booze, ice hockey. That´s the name of the game here. And the younger
> generations seems to be even more crazy which surprises me a lot. They
> have got "the best education in the world" but still violence rate
> among the youth is risen for example even here in Helsinki sharply.
> Violence is acceptable way of acting here. I think there are
> historical reasons for that. Because the Stalin´s Soviet Union
> unsucceeded to conquer Finland during the second world war this
> glorifies the violent action; it´s our best protection against the
> evil world outside. Everyman has to go to army in Finland - even I
> spent there 8 months - and in the Western Europe this is nowadays very
> rare.
> I have seen this dark side of Finland all my life. This is the reason
> why I don´t really like to live here. I´m not afraid of violence but
> it´s almost impossible to try to talk some sense with the native sons
> of this hillbilly nation. Maybe I pack my packs and move to Berlin (by
> the way when Finland got Independence in 1917 we elected German prince
> as the king of Finland but this plan never game true and during world
> war II Finland was Hitler´s Germanys ally...)
> I have read much about that financial mess in America. It looks very,
> very bad. Why are the free world letting time after time those
> speculators to ruin the money markets and the ordinary peoples life?
> And when things are collapsing taxpayers much save the system. And
> when this is done the game starts once again... I think that there
> must be much more regulation in the money markets in the future if we
> want to keep this system. Do we? At least now they are writing in
> European newspapers that America has turned in the banking crises as
> the leading socialist power in the world! Where are those who has been
> talking about the blessings of the unregulation of the money market?
> Where is John McCain? (I think that this thing turned the game to
> Obama for good.)
> I didn´t know that there is shortage of fuel in America? This comes as
> a surprise for me. I can´t even imagine that this could happen also
> here. What is the reason for this? I sincerely hope that things turn
> well in America in every aspect. Otherwise in this global economy we
> are also some day in the same situation.
> I am heading to Berlin at the end of October. Maybe I really should
> look if it´s good place to live and enjoy living which is - as you now
> can see - little bit difficult here with all these dummies.
> Take care