Birds and trees are about to leave the place. At least the trees are leaving cos they like to spend their winter time as junkys in Amsterdam, Berlin and other places where the evil kind of trees without any leafs can be found easily. Don´t blame me, blame those fucking trees. They´re all green. And the green is the color of the poison! Still I´m not afraid to die.

It seems that we have inherited English winters and now also the English summers. Wild winds are blowing from the Atlantic and what can you do but to hang on and wait for that mercy seat?

I got a new mobile phone from my Boss as a birthday present. It´s Nokia´s N95. Altough I hate Nokia, I hate Finnair, I don´t hesitate to use them when they please me. And this little mobile thing with it´s cameras, mp.3 players, ngage, satellite navigator and so on is kind of amusing, useful toy for the people who have lived too long.

But what happens to all those digital pictures and videos which we all are all the time shooting? Well, in the long run they are lost in time and space for sure. Who cares? So are we. This is our common hillybilly party and guns are this time only the cameras. And no one really sees the pictures any more, you will see if you are not afraid to die and hang on here a while.

Reading is a great pleasure sometimes when you are tired of watching giant TV. Now I am reading the biography of Ludwig Wittgenstein. He was totally mad person. Kind of autist or ADHD case... He voluntered the First World war cos he thought it could help him think something else than logic and suicide.
Well, this world is now filled with ADHD people. They are running the show. And the results are of course terrific; depression in the world economy and in the minds of those speed kings. But I just like to watch them losing their game, their life... And new ones are ready in the shadows to take their places. Better to start to wear the helmet and ear plugs all the time. They even come to your dreams and only way to get rid of them is to act more in that ADHD style than their can, kiss, kiss, bang, bang...
Nick Cave sings it clear and loud in the headphones of my new toy phone:
"And the mercy seat is waiting
And I think my head is burning
And in a way I'm yearning
To be done with all this measuring of truth.
An eye for an eye
And a tooth for a tooth
And anyway I told the truth
And I'm not afraid to die."

Paul Weller is playing in Berlin on 6th October. And in Helsinki this autumn we can see old freaks the American Music Club and Spiritualized. Ladies and gentelemen, we are floating in the space...

I think that Nokia Nseries phones are pretty good. I must test more. I must test myself if I am strong enough to continue this adventure in wifi; sometime I´ll try if it´s even possible also to make a phone call with this machine or if they forgot to add the phone to this phone. Maybe not, but that day comes closer all the time.

Well, don´t go out tonight cos they probably take your life. Yesterday I went to see that grill in Ogeli where they stabbed young man to death in Saturday night. Place was closed and someone had broken all the windows. This town is getting more violent year after year. Well, this place sucks. We are old timers all the bunch who admirers violence. We have all sorts of guns and we surely don´t hesitate to use them.
Next I am going to look if the video camera of this phone works in this universe or next. Bury me deep in shit or at least a little bit.

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