Hong Kongin yksinäiset kadut. Tänne siis päättyi vauhdikas elämäni Suomen julkishallinnon hyväksi. Menin liian pitkälle, tulin varomattomaksi. En piitannut varoituksista. Ne käynnistivät lopulta tutkinnan. Yritin käyttää suhteitani, mutta olin tallonut liian monet varpaat. Vaikka kaikki olivat varmoja minulla korkean tason suojelijoita piisaavan, ei niitä tosipaikan tullen löytynyt ensimmäistäkään. Kukaan ei halunnut riskeerata asemaansa hyväkseni muuttuneessa poliittisessa kentässä.
Talon hallitus piti asiastani hätäkokouksen. Minulle oli etukäteen informoitu, että lähden ison kultaisen kädenpuristuksen kanssa tai sitten lähden käräjille puimaan väärinkäytöksiäni. Mieleni teki taistella vastaan, käyttää likaisia temppuja, paljastaa kuvitteellisia riettauksia ja rahojen pöllimisiä vihollisistani. Istuessani kolmatta päivää miettimässä asiaa ginipaikassa päätin antaa kaiken mennä tuosta vaan. En edes tuntenut menettäväni mitään, sillä tilanne Talossa oli ollut kannaltani patti jo pitkään, samat kuviot toistuivat loputtomiin, eikä kenelläkään ollut tajua viheltää peliä poikki.
Niinpä otin taksin lentokenttähotelliin hyvästelemätttä Talon yksinkertaisia ihmisiä, tyttöjä ja poikia. Tein varauksen saman illan Finnairin lennolle Hong Kongiin. Olin ryypännyt raskaasti useamman vuoden, joten viina tulisi olemaan lohtuni Hong Kongin yksinäisillä kaduilla.
10 tunnin lento meni unilääkkeiden ja businessluokan Sianpäägini tarjoilun ansiosta jotenkuten. Iltapäivällä seisoin Hong Kongin lentokentän edessä kosteassa kuumuudessa trooppisten sateiden lentäessä samaan tyyliin nopeasti kaupungin yli kuin Tyynenmeren toisella laidalla San Fransiscossa. Otin punaisen taksin ja ajoin tuttuun hotelliin Island Pacificiin Hong Kongin saarelle. Otin saman huoneen samasta kerroksesta kuin ennenkin. Huoneessa avasin television ja katsoin paikallisia uutisia lähettävää kanavaa. Avasin kännykkäni ja tekstarit alkoivat piipata huoneessa. Suljin puhelimen ja keitin sen roskikseen. Minulla oli nyt piuhat irti entiseen elämääni. Enkä aikonut niitä enää koskaan yhdistää. Katsoin ikkunasta avutuvaa pilvenpiirtäjäviidakkoa ja tiesin olevani pelistä pois. Kukaan ei enää kaipaisia tai pelkäisi minua, pian minut unohdettaisiin. Onneksi minulla oli jemmassa rahaa jolla selviäisin pitkään. Ja kun rahat alkaisivat loppua voisin hypätä kommari Larvan tavoin pilvenpiirtäjän ikkunasta katuun.
Illalla kävelin hotellin läheiseen kiinalaiseen ravintolaan. Se oli karu mesta, tarkoitettu oikeille kinuskeille. Söin porsaanlihaa, tai yritin syödä. Sitten kävin ostamassa supermarketissa useamman pullon Sianpääginiä. Ostin myös suklaata, jotakin olisi hyvä välillä tunkea kitaan. Palasin Island Pacificiin jatkamaan Hong Kongin uutisten tuijottamista. Ne pyörivät ssmana settinä ottaessani ginimoukkuja. Tunsin maailman ruudussa pyörivän entiseen malliin turvallisen ennustettavana, vaikka en ollut enää osa sen suhaamista edes takaisin. Tänne tämä kaikki kaahaus sitten päättyi, naurahdin mielessäni. Johan sitä piisasikin. Parasta jäädä tänne odottamaan mitä tulemaan pitää. Ehkä saan joskus vielä idean jostakin joka innostaa. Tai sitten tämä on luku romaanista ”Pitkä valmistautuminen kuolemaan”.
Speed Kings of Hong Kong and Macau
Hong Kong and Macau in March 2009 |
If you want to see slide show of Jussi Apila´s recent adventures in Hong Kong and Macau click the image above, wait a second and enjoy the ride!
In the Golden Triangle
All Over North East Thailand in March 2009 |
Click the image above if you want to see slideshow from North East Thailand; Chiang Rai, Mae Sae, Chiang Mai and the country side near the Golden Triangle!
Cambodia Tour 2009
Cambodia February 2009 by Jussi Apila |
Click the image above if you want to see slideshow from Cambodia; Phnom Penh, Sihanoukville, Kampot and Kep-sur-Mer!
Hello dear friend...
Hello dear friend..
I both decided to write to you.
My name: Svetlana
I want you warned, I of Russia, and I have a woman who just do not want a deception. As I heard a lot.
I wish you had warned once. I search for serious attitudes. I am looking for marriage and love. I do not play games. If you want to play with me, then do not write for me. If you are looking also for true and pure attitude then I shall wait with impatience your letter. I send you as pictures, and I hope to receive your replacement.
I hope we learn that the friend, best friend about the future. I will study, so you can help me, even with what we should do
Overall, it was easier for us.
I am a happy person love life and desire to be happy.
I of Russia, the city where I live, Moskow, I am very beautiful city. I do not really talk about the city. I love the city. I hope you, I of Russia should not be confused.
My birthday in May, 10 1980. I anniversary, it is very beautiful day to be happy again.
It is pleasant for me, I wish that we continue our friends that we have not lost our interest in us.
Dear friend, that our desire was great fun. It is nice to know we talk about a friend of a friend.
Forgive me please, but I should go. I wish you wrote for me more than I knew more about you.
I both decided to write to you.
My name: Svetlana
I want you warned, I of Russia, and I have a woman who just do not want a deception. As I heard a lot.
I wish you had warned once. I search for serious attitudes. I am looking for marriage and love. I do not play games. If you want to play with me, then do not write for me. If you are looking also for true and pure attitude then I shall wait with impatience your letter. I send you as pictures, and I hope to receive your replacement.
I hope we learn that the friend, best friend about the future. I will study, so you can help me, even with what we should do
Overall, it was easier for us.
I am a happy person love life and desire to be happy.
I of Russia, the city where I live, Moskow, I am very beautiful city. I do not really talk about the city. I love the city. I hope you, I of Russia should not be confused.
My birthday in May, 10 1980. I anniversary, it is very beautiful day to be happy again.
It is pleasant for me, I wish that we continue our friends that we have not lost our interest in us.
Dear friend, that our desire was great fun. It is nice to know we talk about a friend of a friend.
Forgive me please, but I should go. I wish you wrote for me more than I knew more about you.
A Random Draw
From The Maneger
Foreign Remittance Dept
Bank of Africa
I sourced your email from a human resource profile database in the chamber, my name is Mr.Kabiru Yanogo. Account officer to late Mr. Hussein Mubarak from Kuwait who is an gold merchant Agent here in Ouagadougou Burkina Faso, a well known Philanthropist before he died.
He made a Will stating that $7.4Million dollars (Seven million four hundred thousand USD) should be given to a citizen of our choice overseas.
I have made a random draw and your e-mail address was picked as the beneficiary to this Will.
I am particularly interested in securing this money from the Bank because they have issued a notice instructing me been the account officer to produce the beneficiary of this before end of this year 2010 else the money will be credited to the Government treasury as per law here.
It is my utmost desire to execute the Will of my late client Mr. Hussein Mubarak since he is no more alive, both wife Nera Mubarak, and daughter Fatimata Mubarak.
You are required to contact me immediately to enable me update you in detail's about the process of this very golden oppurtunity.
I urge you to call or mail me immediately for further details bearing in mind that the Bank has given us a date limit, please act fast. I await your urgent response.
Meanwhile I request on your return mail, kindly re-send me your data's information's:
1. Your Name in Full:
2. Your Address:
3. You’re Occupation:
4. Your Nationality:
5. Your City
6. You’re Telephone with
7. Mobile number:
8. Your Age:
9. Your Gender:
However, feel free to ask me any question and I promise to clarify you on any doubts.call me on my direct mobile number 00226 787 196 85 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 00226 787 196 85 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 00226 787 196 85 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 00226 787 196 85 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
Mr.Kabiru Yanogo
Bank of Africa
Ouagadougou Burkina Faso.
West Africa
Foreign Remittance Dept
Bank of Africa
I sourced your email from a human resource profile database in the chamber, my name is Mr.Kabiru Yanogo. Account officer to late Mr. Hussein Mubarak from Kuwait who is an gold merchant Agent here in Ouagadougou Burkina Faso, a well known Philanthropist before he died.
He made a Will stating that $7.4Million dollars (Seven million four hundred thousand USD) should be given to a citizen of our choice overseas.
I have made a random draw and your e-mail address was picked as the beneficiary to this Will.
I am particularly interested in securing this money from the Bank because they have issued a notice instructing me been the account officer to produce the beneficiary of this before end of this year 2010 else the money will be credited to the Government treasury as per law here.
It is my utmost desire to execute the Will of my late client Mr. Hussein Mubarak since he is no more alive, both wife Nera Mubarak, and daughter Fatimata Mubarak.
You are required to contact me immediately to enable me update you in detail's about the process of this very golden oppurtunity.
I urge you to call or mail me immediately for further details bearing in mind that the Bank has given us a date limit, please act fast. I await your urgent response.
Meanwhile I request on your return mail, kindly re-send me your data's information's:
1. Your Name in Full:
2. Your Address:
3. You’re Occupation:
4. Your Nationality:
5. Your City
6. You’re Telephone with
7. Mobile number:
8. Your Age:
9. Your Gender:
However, feel free to ask me any question and I promise to clarify you on any doubts.call me on my direct mobile number 00226 787 196 85 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 00226 787 196 85 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 00226 787 196 85 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 00226 787 196 85 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
Mr.Kabiru Yanogo
Bank of Africa
Ouagadougou Burkina Faso.
West Africa
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