
Melody A.M.

It's out with the old and in with the new. And what better start than selling those Christmas presents that weren't quite right for you? eBay's just the place.

Get with it, architects: Public buildings need more toilet equality.

Country is suffering from rises in inflation and unemployment and a slowdown in the economy as the international credit squeeze bites.

Perusarvot ei häviä ja se tekee ihmisen. Ei siinä ole hävettävää. Minut on pistetty arkkuun monta kertaa, koska ihmiset ei tunne tautia.

Säännöt kieltävät nyt tappamisen, kaiken koston ja muut väkivallanteot. Tästä lähtien ei enää henkirikoksia ja huumeita. Minä määrään.

A Las Cruces man accused of fatally shooting his mother is to be taken to a state hospital to determine his mental competency.

Will the Humanities Save Us?

I never have been able to relate to people who can´t stand being alone. Ever since I remember I enjoy being with people, but somehow I enjoy it even more being alone.

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